Email Marketing
Send Your EMails with Purpose and Strategy
Email marketing is part of the overall digital strategy components that drive engagement, inbox leads and your brands ecosystem. It’s also one of the many digital channels that needs to be looked at with care in regards to relevant messaging and frequency.
If your new to the game or just frustrated with the current performance of your campaigns we can help.
Many companies are versed in believing that selling products at steep discounts, almost giving way are a language that can’t be spoken. Hey everybody it happens!
Understanding the what and why your campaigns are about:
- What is the specific goal of each email you send.
- Does the timing and content align with the goals.
- Do you have a clean list and best practice prospecting for new subscribers.
- Are there regional or product specific filters to be applied.
Delivering the relevant content and decision swaying materials:
- Are your images, text content and CTA’s configured in line with the goals.
- What are your conversion parameters.
- What defines the goals for the campaign, brand, conversions.
Measuring, reporting and reacting to your campaigns:
- What are the formats and frequency of your reporting.
- Who can quickly collaborate on the campaign, make changes and note for future optimizations.
- Is there proper conversion integrations into CRM, marketing software.
Edesia Consulting believes that email marketing is a critical connection tool with current and future clients but in the era of flooding the messaging to your community needs to have special attention.
Please contact us with any questions you may have.